Wednesday, March 24, 2010

girl~~ what the 'must have' things inside your handbag????

hi there~~
this entry is created especially for girls outside there...
lot of girls kept confuse,,,"what i'm should carried along with my fashionable handbag??"
here is the answer....
make sure your handbag is very suitable enough with the situation dear...
there are a lot of fashionable bags here...but be sure either your handbag is fits or not with the surrounding...
ok,,,when u going out for shopping...
im suggest~~~
u carry along ur,,,

1) purse + money + creadit card plss..only your cash money.. (remember to put 1/4 of your money inside of your pocket..just in case~~if you are losing your purse)
2) tissue~~ it is very important girls~~
3) handphone

4) compact powder with a mirror

5) lip balm


7) sanitizer~~ there a lot of germs.......ok??
8)car key~~ don't carry your house key along...juz leave it in your car~~
so,,,for the optional things are:-
3)pads (if u are near or in your period time)
4)hair brush
5) any medicine that are important for you~~:-)

that is all ladies~~...
then you can carry your things all along your journey~~:-)
have a nice day~~
thnk u for reading....

p/s: u can also bring along your things as u needed~~...n jz leave anythg is not very important for you....

xoxo,,♥ ♥